Donations, and Giving Back
In today's world, it's imperative we give back.
The world is currently experiencing the largest divide between the rich and the poor in history, with thousands dying every day from hunger and a lack of clean water.
People from all backgrounds face daily hardships.
Sometimes it's the absence of food or shelter, other times it's missing basic necessities like toiletries, a clean bed, or access to medicine or water. The challenges are endless.
While no single entity can solve everything and no one can help everyone, if businesses contribute by supporting small groups or even individuals, the world could become a much better and happier place.
This is an open invitation to donate:
Food, Shelter, Toiletries, Time and/or Money
If you donate, you will get:
- Your company's/business's logo put onto this site, and
- A video I will make (30 seconds - 1 minute) to put on social media.
It will also be put on my social media (unpaid/unboosted) and shared by people, friends, pages and other busineses. (You can also pay me to boost it for you, as boosting social media posts is a service listed.)
Videos will not contain faces of homeless/people in need, as people in need are not products.
But a video will help show your company as an entity that has a heart, which more people want to see in today's world.
By the end of the year, my personal goal is to have $5000 from donations to give to the homeless and the needy to buy toiletries, food and other necessities people need.
If you'd like to donate: Food, Clothing, Sheets, Toiletries, items or Money, or to Volunteer please email me at
or Text/Call me at 647.882.4372 and arrangements can be made.